For Young Offenders

Introduction to the Panel members
We have a Panel Coordinator who is responsible for receiving all referrals, setting up panels and panel hearings, and contacting all affected parties. Panel hearings are usually comprised of three members, but sometimes two.

Hearing Proceedings
Panel, youth and parent/guardian have a conversation about offence. Panel will ask questions for clarity and understanding. Collectively, the group will decide on consequences, known as sanctions, and the youth has full participation in the decision-making process. The objective is to set youth up for success.

Successful Sanctions
If all sanctions are competed satisfactorily, on time, the supervisor signs off the case as ‘satisfactory,’ and returns the file to it originator. This usually closes the case, which cannot be re-opened in the future.

The Hearing Date
Hearings are normally held at the Provincial Building in Red Deer (Room 111 on the ground floor), and last approximately one hour. Panels are scheduled the last week of the month on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday and two cases are heard consecutively on each of these days (times are 4:45 and 5:30).

Agreed Sanctions
The sanctions are discussed to with the young offender verbally, and written into a contract, which is a legal document. The young offender is urged to read it carefully before signing. If the young offender agrees to the sanctions, he or she signs it, and receives a copy. A follow up person from the panel is assigned to oversee the completion of the sanctions. The time period to complete sanctions is 90 days for a court referral and 45 days for a police referral. Extensions can be granted at the discretion of the follow-up person in mitigating circumstances.
If all sanctions are competed satisfactorily and on time, the panel follow-up person signs off on the case as successful and returns the file to the referral agency (courts or police). This usually closes the case, which cannot be re-opened in the future.

Unsuccessful Sanctions
If the young offender does not follow-through with the contract or if the agreed upon sanctions are not completed to the satisfaction of the panel follow-up person within the specified time period, the file may by marked unsuccessful and returned to the referral agency (the courts or police) for further review and action.
For Victims of Youth Crime

Victims of youth crime are encouraged to participate when they feel comfortable to do so. Victim participation is purely voluntary.
We offer an informal setting to talk to the offender in a respectful manner.
Victims willing to participate – we encourage you to consider what you would like to say or write with respect to how this incident has impacted you:
And any Hardships it has caused
We offer 3 Options for Victims who wish to participate:
- 1. Attend the Panel Meeting arranged for the Youth. (Must agree to confidentiality regarding information disclosed at meeting.)
- A unique opportunity to talk to the youth who committed the crime.
- Receive answers to questions about the offence that only the youth can provide.
- Explain to the youth — the impact of their actions.
- Let the youth see the you (victim) as a person.
- 2. Submit a written Impact Statement.
- Express in your own words what impact the incident has had.
- Victims are welcome to attend the Panel Session and submit a written impact this youth’s actions has had on the victim.
- 3. Share their feelings with the Panel Coordinator who can record them in the Youth's file.
- Allows for the Panel Members to know some details about the impact this youth’s actions has had on the victim.

The Youth Criminal Justice Act also state that victims should be treated with courtesy, compassion and respect for their dignity and privacy and should suffer the minimum degree of inconvenience as a result of their involvement with the youth criminal justice system. It also states that victims should be provided with information about the proceedings and given an opportunity to participate and be heard.

The ABRC (Alberta Bullying, Research, Resources & Recovery Centre Inc.)
We have partnered up with the ABRC to help parents and youth deal with the impact of bullying. For more information on the types of bullying and related questions, click on the link to be redirected to the ABRC’s website
Learn More